Mason Jar Candles

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

On a recent trip to Bath & Body Works, I discovered something that I'd never really seen before (and I'm probably late to the party for): mason jar candles. The semi-annual sale was still going on, so I was able to get a good deal on three of them. They come in a ton of scents, and they are changed out with the seasons, and I'm so happy with the scents I chose.

Also, mason jars are so southern to me, and I love it. Being from the South, I adore the classic "southern" things: screened porches, sweet iced tea, biscuits, and being able to use a mason jar - plain or painted - for anything. :)

Here are the mason jar candles I picked out and absolutely love. Please note one of these is available online, and others I found in-store, but couldn't find them to purchase on the website:

Simple and pure, sun ripened strawberries are highlighted by mango nectar and soft peach blossoms.

Fruity and sweet scents are my favorite, so it's no surprise that this wound up being one of the candles I picked out. It's not too overwhelming, and it's a fabulous scent for summer.

Pink Lemonade Pound Cake

A delicious combination of two classic bakery treats includes notes of freshly squeezed lemon, rich cake, and ripe raspberries.

This scent and the next are the ones I was the most excited about, as pastry-related anything makes me super happy. I heard about this one through YouTube, and I was so happy that this smelled as good as it sounds. It smells just like a lemon pound cake, and I love it. 

Red Velvet Cupcake

Treat yourself to the most popular cupcake in the bakery - scrumptious red velvet cake topped with rich, creamy vanilla frosting.

I'm totally saving the best for last here. Red velvet cake has a special place in my heart in general - I first had one made for me for a birthday back when I was homeschooled (in my elementary/middle school years) and I've been hooked ever since. It's amazing how it smells exactly like a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting.

Have you seen mason jar candles at B&BW? Do you like them? If so, what scents do you like?

1 comment:

  1. Well, now I am craving Red Velvet cake and very hungry for dessert! These are really cute, though. xo
