What's On My iPhone 6?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Not gonna lie, I really like watching the "What's On My iPhone" videos that various folks make on YouTube. It's neat to see what apps people like and how they lay out their home screens. 

The reason why I wanted to do this particular video is because I was recently surprised with an iPhone 6 for my birthday this year! :) I honestly can't believe this is my phone; I love all the features, including the fingerprint reader that unlocks my phone, and all the space. Oh my goodness.

I thought it'd be fun to take y'all on a brief tour through my phone. If you don't have a 6, that is a-ok. The app/case/wallpaper suggestions can apply to whatever phone you have, as many of these apps can be found on Google Play or the Android market.

Ready? Let's go! :)

This is my lock screen. My wallpaper is from the Cocoppa app, and I use it whenever I have my TARDIS case on. (The case featured in the top photo is from Sonix. If you're a fan of American-made products that are great quality and you like great cases, this shop is for you!)

I like changing my wallpaper a lot, whether it's to match the case I have on it or to match my mood for the day. I usually get my wallpapers from the following apps/places:

And this is what my front page looks like! :)

If I went through every single app on here, I think this post would be forever long, so I'm just going to break down my folders in descending order and mention the top apps I use in each one.

Utilities - These are the apps that came with my phone. Many of these are ones that I don't use, like Stocks, but I do use FaceTime and the calculator quite a bit.

Books - This is where my Kindle app lives, along with iBooks and my two devotional apps, She Reads Truth and Jesus Calling.

Entertainment - I mainly use Flixter (to find movie showtimes), Videos (to watch Doctor Who of course), and Shazam (to find out that amazing song on the radio).

Social - These are my Social Media apps. I use all of these fairly regularly, but I use Facebook, FB Messenger, and Pinterest the most.

Games - I love a good iPhone game. My favorite of all time is Robot Unicorn Attack 2.

Instagram (with the coffee cup emoji because why not) - I really like to keep all my Instagram and editing apps (including Instagram itself) in their own place. If you want to know in detail what apps I use and how I edit my photos, check out this post and this post.

Junk Drawer - These are the apps that don't particularly have a category. Of these, I mainly use Bloglovin', Cocoppa, and Cuptakes.

Apple Apps - These are apps that also came with my phone, but are normally associated with Apple's iWork Suite (like Pages and Garageband). They're nice to have, so they got their own folder.


  1. Awww! That was so sweet of your parents to surprise you with an iPhone 6 for your birthday. Now I know why you treasure the device so much. Anyway, I love how adorable your wallpaper is. Plus, you're super organized, considering you have an actual app drawer for junk applications. Hahaha! Thanks for giving us a tour of your phone, Savannah! All the best to you! :)

    Allen Fernandez @ 1300 Easy Dial

    1. Thank you so much! :) I may do an updated version of this post sometime since I actually added a folder. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Hi Savannah! I really really really love ur lock screen and I can't find it in the cocoppa app and it's stressing me out so much! Is there something specific I should search for? Please help!
