I’m aware that it’s August, and not even close to Fall yet…especially since August is quite possibly one of the hottest months of the year in my home state of Tennessee.
But I’ve been thinking about Fall a lot. Not just because my birthday is almost 2 months away, but because I just love what Fall brings.
What does it bring?
1.Beanies. And sweaters, and scarves, and bundling up in general.
Ever since college, I’ve loved “Fall” clothes. Extra accessories - especially functional ones - can really pull an outfit together. Plus, given the cooler weather coming later (which will probably be closer to late October/November), it’ll help having those layers.
In the meantime, I’ll just rock utility jackets when it gets to the sixties.
2.Family gatherings.
I’ve always loved family gatherings, but now that I’m older, I truly appreciate them so much more. I mostly appreciate two things: getting to actually see family members I don’t see so often, and the little traditions we have (like various recipes and singing on the phone as a family to members for their birthdays).
3.Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Y’all know me well enough by now to know that seasonal drinks are my jam. Pumpkin Spice Lattes are absolutely no exception.
I was actually just thinking about this the other day, but I love boots. Boots are the very best in the Fall, not only for the style aspect, but also for layering. And, when it gets to be winter, a little tread on your boots goes a long way.
This kind of ties in with family gatherings, but I love Fall holidays, too. Halloween and Thanksgiving are the very best. Also, with holidays come festivals. My hometown puts on a wonderful Pumpkinfest that’s a ton of fun. Not to mention that there's a Trunk or Treat we do every year at my church. :)
My girls and I were the Queen of Hearts, Alice, and the Cheshire Cat last year to pass out candy for the kids. :)
What are you looking forward to this Fall?
I'm looking forward to cooler nights to sit on the porch swing, a good long winter book and holidays!!