Re: Cinderella

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A while back, I blogged about the upcoming remake of the Disney animated classic Cinderella. In that post, I talked about my thoughts on the trailer, and gushed about how gorgeous the movie looked. I also wondered if it was a musical.

Yesterday, I finally got to see it.

 Let me answer the questions I had before we move forward: Yes, it's gorgeous; No, it's not a musical. But I'm actually really happy that they didn't go the musical route with this one, just because they traded music for character development, which made me so happy, just because of the fact that I actually got to get to know the characters and root for Cinderella - er, Ella -  to have her happy ending. The plot was also wound together nicely, and though (spoiler) it does not deviate from the source material, some things were added that only made the story better, in my opinion.

Now, let's talk about how gorgeous this movie was. Oh my goodness. I could have watched that ballroom scene on repeat. The costumes were also lovely (see: Ella's ball gown and wedding dress), and so was the setting. This movie is basically a feast for the eyes, with a substantial plot to match.

Would I recommend that you see Cinderella? YES. It's well-acted and well put-together all around, and hey, it's a Disney Princess movie. You can't go wrong with a Disney Princess movie.

Have y'all seen Cinderella yet? What do you think of it?


  1. I've been really wanting to see this! Glad to know it's good!
    Mae :)

    1. Yay! :) I think you'll really like it, Mae.
