On Graduating from College and Being a Postgrad

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dear reader,

I graduated college this month.

On May 17, I ran across the parking lot to the entrance of my university's auditorium, and I was carrying a cap, gown, cords, and a little tassel. I put that regalia on to walk into said auditorium, walk across a stage, and receive my degree of a Bachelor of Arts in English.
Typing that out still feels weird to me, even after a week and a half, but it's true.

So much happened before graduation that once it actually happened, it was as though I'd done something crazy, like skydiving or some other incredible feat. I went to college. In the past tense.
A ton of my dearest friends came to graduation, too. One of them asked me how it felt. He followed that with, "I know that's a loaded question." It was surreal, happy, and bittersweet, simply because I wouldn't be around the people who are basically my second family as often, but I know 100% for sure that I'll see them again.

What happens now?

In short: pausing and prayer. Let me explain.

My mom gave me Katherine Schwarzenegger's newest book, I Just Graduated: Now What?. In her introduction, Katherine retells her graduation and postgrad story, and I found parallels between my stage of life and hers at that time. What resonated with me, though, was the advice her mom gave at her commencement speech: pause. Pausing was essentially the idea of not rushing into trying to find a job (unless you have one) or a new place to live (unless that's lined up). The rushing can cause anxiety, so it isn't too bad of an idea to decompress and figure things out before really diving into the land of the workforce.

This is where prayer comes in.

I understand that I can't pause forever. I do have a gig with a print magazine, and I couldn't be happier about it. I also have other options for work, too. And I plan on starting on that first novel, short story, or what have you. The future is honestly still daunting, though, but what's keeping me going is my faith.
Romans 8:28 - And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
So, right now, in this season, I'm leaning on Him. I'm sitting at the doorway to the next opportunity that He has ready for me, and I'm waiting for the doorbell. In the meantime, I'm going to write, work, and be the best daughter, friend, person, and Christian I can possibly be.
Here I come, real life. Adventure is out there.

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