Customizing School Supplies

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Every semester, when I replace folders, notebooks, and the like, I really enjoy fixing them up and customizing them for each class. Using sharpies to decorate and generally make my school supplies unique is so much fun, and I really will get good use out of school supplies and items that I enjoy pulling out of my backpack on a day-to-day basis.

Also, since it's my senior year, and I visited a fabulous Japanese bookstore recently in Los Angeles, I really wanted to go all out with the cute factor alongside my more functional items.
So, with that, dear reader, here's how I customized my school supplies for this semester!


I generally organize my class folders by color, in schedule order, them in color order. This means my first class is red or pink, my second class is yellow, and so on. If I organize them this way, then it's a lot easier to grab a folder for a given class at a moment's notice. These folders are some basic ones that I picked up from Target.

I've also used this process with brightly patterned folders. As long as I can see the class name that I've drawn out, I'm fine.

Also, yes, I'm taking a class called "Doctor Who and Philosophy." I AM SO EXCITED.


I found these amazing notebooks at Kinokuniya in LA. They are SO adorable, and it'll be so much fun jotting quick notes in these. Some of my classes might be more computer-centric, while others might not allow technology at all. With these, I should be prepared for both situations.

Subjects I'm using these for, from left to right: Christianity in the West, Doctor Who and Philosophy, and Advanced Media Writing.

For classes I know might be more serious - based on the professor's lecture style or the subject material in general - I'm planning on using these notebooks. I used two of these last semester that I picked up in Seattle, and I LOVED them. They are smaller than standard size, but they are absolutely fabulous for basic note-taking and studying later.

These are the supplies I've customized. Besides these, I have the basic supplies like pens, pencil cases, highlighters, etc.

I hope you enjoyed seeing these. :) Here's hoping that they help my last semester in school go smoothly!

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