So I gave my logo [and blog] a fresh coat of paint.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

So, you know how sometimes, the mood to make some changes hits you? Whether it's to your workspace or anywhere else?

Well, I'm excited to unveil something I've been mulling over for awhile now: a logo facelift! And with it, some blog redesigning!

The logo has to be the most drastic change, though. For the past while, [S]iW has always had a vertical logo, like this:

This was the very first [S]iW logo ever, circa January 2014.

But I decided to go with the circle logo, and I'm excited with how it came out. I made it using various elements I found through Pinterest (some I bought online). and I like to think it's got some significance, too: I chose the rope-like circle border as an allusion to my love for nautical things and how they're special to me. Then, of course, there's turquoise and gold glitter, my two favorite colors. Nothing much has changed there. :)

Also, the blog template is by PipDig again, and it's gorgeous. It's nothing too crazy, just turquoise and simple, clean lines, and I can't wait to use it as a platform to share more writing with you, because I've missed blogging and want to get back into it again.

What do you guys think of the new logo/redesign? Please let me know in the comments! :)

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