Snow Day!

Monday, March 3, 2014

I guess you could say that today came about in a series of text messages.
First came the message that the radio station was off the air and that I didn't have to go into work. Then came the message that my university had canceled all classes for the day.
My university hasn't closed for inclement weather in twenty-seven years. Supposedly.
So this meant that it was perfectly acceptable to stay in and enjoy the day off.

Here's what I did today:

  1. Worked on homework. (I am a college student after all.)
  2. Watched Disney movies. I basically fell back in love with Beauty and the Beast.
  3. Drank coffee and tea.
  4. Put on a face mask. Hey, if you have the time, a beauty treatment is always fun option for a day off.
  5. Facetimed my parents and my two puppies. Harvey and Azalea, my two miniature schnauzers, actually like the snow!
  6. Slept in, because yes.
  7. I tidied up some. (I guess Snow White inspired me?)
  8. I mostly relaxed. And that's really what I needed most. Now, I'm ready to take on this week. :)

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